We are talking about the prime topic of our discussion, i.e. "Best Strategy to crack CDS test within the initial attempt". Here are some of the tips and tricks to achieve that:

- Firstly you, take one or two unsolved previous year’s paper, each of English, General Awareness and Elementary Mathematics and solve them in the set time limit.
- Solving an all paper may sound a bit ambitious but correctly solving the entire paper is not the objective of this activity. This activity will help you to identify your strong and weak areas. You will have an idea of which section you are easy in and which sections need the effort to improve further. Besides, this may additionally assist you get at home with the paper pattern of CDS test.
- After identifying your weak subject, follow any good study material (from books for CDS exam or online material) to brush up those topics. It is sensible to not cramp yourself with a banging volume of study material from multiple sources as you'll find yourself finding out nothing. Please bear in mind, in competitive exams, quality of study should take preference to the quantity of study.
- Solve the question papers of at least last 7-10 years, of all three sections extensively while keeping keynotes on questions/topics of import. The queries within the examination could or might not repeat over the years however the essential framework of the paper remains same. So, finding previous years can provide associate insight on what form of queries you'll expect within the CDS-II examination.
- Follow online sources for mock tests and current affair capsule. They help you to miss out extensive study for General Awareness part and impart a consolidated knowledge which will otherwise require time and effort. Mock tests will help you assess your preparation level. Please do solve as several issues as potential, in form of mock tests, previous year papers etc because this holds the key to success.
- Time Management is of extreme importance. You will have to solve 100-120 questions in 120 minutes. Besides, marking bubbles in the answer sheet and signing attendance in the examination hall will roughly take minimum 15-20 minutes. So, effectively you have got concerning a hundred minutes, and hence, 50 seconds per question to read, comprehend and solve the problem. Manage your time accordingly and do not waste too much of your time on any particular question. So, maintaining an excellent flow in solving problems is of utmost importance.
- You should go, read and comprehend the type of the problem (i.e. easy, medium or hard) and solve the matter if you discover it to be straightforward. If you are feeling the matter can take time then skip that question and continue with forthcoming issues. Solving straightforward issues initial helps you gain confidence and additionally assists you in maintaining necessary pace and concentration to try the more durable issues. After the thorough initial try, choose the queries you found moderate or robust within the initial go.
Preparing the syllabus efficiently, practicing ample questions and mock tests and following the above-mentioned tips will definitely help you crack the CDS exam in the very first attempt!
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